Not Much Can Grow in the Dark  

Today’s blog entry is from Kristie K.  Kristie has been a member of Café RE since December 31, 2019.  She can be found supporting her fellow Café RE GO members and hosting our Café RE chats. Not...

The Recovery Elevator Blog

The Importance of Validation and Self-Compassion in Recovery

The Importance of Validation and Self-Compassion in Recovery

Today’s blog entry is from Amanda McLean, who has been a member of Café RE since November 2019.  Amanda has been alcohol free since March 26, 2019 and is very active within her Café RE GO community.   “Another day one, I’m such a loser.” “I’ve ruined everything.”...

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Living on Sobriety

Living on Sobriety

Recovery Elevator is excited to offer a new type of blog experience to our readers!  We are reaching out to our Café RE members and giving those that are interested the opportunity to be guest bloggers for our site.  Think of it as a podcast interview in written...

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What Recovery Pathway is Right for Me?

What Recovery Pathway is Right for Me?

  In our Dry January course, REstore, Paul teaches a class covering the different recovery modalities.  The good news is that In 2023, there are more ways to ditch the booze than ever before. Even just 10 years ago recovery took place in church basements with bad...

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Benefits of Service in Recovery

Benefits of Service in Recovery

Recovery Elevator is excited to offer a new type of blog experience to our readers!  We are reaching out to our Café RE members and giving those that are interested the opportunity to be guest bloggers for our site.  Think of it as a podcast interview in written...

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Do I have a Drinking Problem? 

Do I have a Drinking Problem? 

Today is the day! Today is the day we are going to find out if you have a drinking problem…or not. Are you ready? For Paul, when it finally sunk in that he did indeed have a drinking problem (and a good one at that!) two things happened.  First…he was like, “Oh...

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BYO Mocktail: Full Circle Mocktails

BYO Mocktail: Full Circle Mocktails

I hope I’m not disappointing my 4 readers (hi Roxanne, Robyn, Kerri and Trisha!) No mocktail recipe this month. But I will throw in my favorite homemade ice cream recipe as of late for a little change up. Lately my mocktails have been top secret as I’ve been writing...

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Let’s talk about dopamine!   If we are to properly discuss alcohol addiction we will soon come to the molecule dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter commonly coined as the pleasure molecule, but that’s not entirely correct. Dopamine is more accurately...

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BYO Mocktail: Kiss from a Rose

BYO Mocktail: Kiss from a Rose

This past year I have been working for a large international women’s retail clothing store. I have the first hand knowledge of how fashion is coming back around… the good and the bad. The return lately has been to the fashion of the early 90s, grunge but with a little...

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A Message to Big Alcohol

A Message to Big Alcohol

406 episodes of the Recovery Elevator Podcast were released before there was an intro with the main message being addressed to Big Alcohol.  Why do you think that is?  That’s a lot of Mondays to not tell Big Alcohol what we think, (or where to stick it 😈).  Why wasn’t...

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The Order of Healing

The Order of Healing

Let’s talk about the order of healing when you quit drinking. We’ll also put a time frame on it…more or less place holders for what you can expect.  As with everything in recovery…your time frame may not exactly match up with what is outlined here…but should be...

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